I have sat across the room from literally hundreds of people seeking help and healing; all sitting in that chair with good intention, hope for change and on many levels depleted. They soon find out that change is not an easy process.
It is costly, time consuming and challenging to be honest about yourself and those that surround you. The depletion is typically the first issue to arise. It may look like lack of motivation, lack of commitment or lack of investment yet this is rarely the case. Typically it is lack of energy and/or lack of support.
This is where I like to start. I look at the areas of depletion first in an attempt to promote a successful outcome, feelings of accomplishment and a hopeful outlook for the future.
We first look for depletion in the area of finances. With tighter restrictions and higher deductibles, clients are unable to utilize their insurance benefits for life coaching services. My policy has always been to work with clients to find a reasonable rate that is realistic for both of us. This policy not only helps humanize the process it eliminates a major block to personal growth and development.
We then look at time constraints. Life coaching offers the flexibility of phone or video sessions. Often scheduling conflicts and/or travel time make consistent sessions a challenge which method alleviates. Offering alternatives to the traditional face to face life coaching session eliminates that block to being unable to benefit from this service.
Finally we look at the client themselves – their energy levels and support systems. There are physical and emotional areas of depletion that will definitely impact the outcome of the life coaching process. If the client is not eating well, not sleeping well, not moving their body they will experience depleted energy. If the client is suffering from addiction or abuse they are not ready for the “life coaching work.” Sobriety and safety are necessary components to personal growth. If the client does not socialize, does not lean on family and/or friends they are at a greater risk of walking away from the process too soon or staying in coaching but not being able to walk at all.
My Two-Part Restore Yourself Series, will help get you ready for “the work.” The goal in this series is to promote stronger and healthier energy levels and to promote the necessary external support system or internal support to help ensure a successful outcome. So please join me on this journey taking the first step towards personal growth and happiness!
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