Is Your Vagina Trying to Tell You Something?
How many times have I heard women say ... “So I broke up with my boyfriend and my stuff stopped itching ... I just got dumped but the...

Seeking Understanding and Acceptance and Finding Compassion and Forgiveness in the Process
What is it that leads us to the door of a therapist, a mentor, a mystic, a coach, or any of the myriads of guides we seek out? There...

Harvest the Wisdom: Finding Your Inner Self
Yesterday, I went deep into the woods with my family. So deep in fact that the world went silent and only the sounds of the earth...

Seasonal Affective Disorder and The Winter Blues
Here in the Northeast we have been greeted by the winter blues. You know- those cold, damp days with dreary skies and no color in sight...

A New Perspective on the New Year!
It has been one of the oddest years yet! The highs, the lows, the joys and the pain – a year of mixed and varied experiences and emotions....

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right- Even in a Dysfunctional Family
I am so often asked about family obligations within dysfunctional family settings and I can tell you a one size fits all response does...

Top 3 things You Need To Know About Divorce and Emotional Maturity
You meet, you date, you fall in love. You get engaged, you get married, you have kids, you separate. You get divorced. During this...

Is it OK to Rekindle an Old Flame?
How often have we wondered what ever happened to the kid who sat behind us throughout grammar school, to our first crush or the star...

Why Can't I Leave?
Why Can't I Leave?? I can't even count the number of people, both men and women, who have sat across from me asking "why can't I leave?"...

The New Year Shift
So here we are … at the end … or at the beginning.! How you define those seconds between 11:59pm and 12:00am could very possibly define...